12900 S. Throop ST, Calumet Park, IL 60827
Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
the best cash offer for your junk car with free pick up
Auto Parts
- Same day pick up
- Delivery and shipping available
- 90 days warranty on all engines and transmissions
- all parts are tested quality
Junking Your Car
Don't need it any more, we can help you to get ready of your junk car and offer the top cash dallors for it with free pick up even if you don't have the title in hand.
Our trucks are ready on the call for your need. we provide towing from anywhere around the Chicago land area and suburbs.
Selling YOur Car Leave us your information and we will call you with the best cash offer for it.
Phone number: 4287708-297-
Email address: chetomotive@gmail.com